दार्शनिक कविताएँ (Daarshanik Kavitaen)

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Book Code: 1111033165505

मनमोहन शर्मा (Manamohan Sharma)

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Dr Manmohan Sharma (15th September 1942 - 20th April 2023) was a devoted husband & father to his wife Savita & only son Gautam. Unbeknown to us, my father had written these philosophical poems relating to life, which we wish to share with the World. They were found hidden in a draw, upon his passing, that appear to have been written over many years.

My father was a humble & down to earth man, who was very much liked & respected by those who came to know him. He is very much missed by all, but remembered extremely fondly. As his son, I endeavour to follow in his footsteps, always challenging myself to live by his example.

Perhaps my father's humility comes from his simple background. Born in a small village in India, he always valued his own education & that of his siblings. As a single minded individual, he left India in his early twenties to pursue a better life in the UK. Having returned to India to marry my mother, they embarked upon their life together back in England, where I soon arrived. Both of my parents worked in education as teachers, because they believe education is the key to life. My father believed that knowledge empowered both children & adults to unlock their full potential & fulfil their dreams. This was particularly so of girls, so that they could grow up to be confident, independent women.

My father instilled the same work ethos into me, ensuring I gained the best possible education I could enabling me attain a vocation that made a positive contribution towards humanity. So when I became a doctor, he was extremely proud that so, like him, I could help others. This was particularly so of those who were less fortunate.

Despite his extensive education, he remained a man of faith. As well as these poems, my father has previously published material around this subject & around his passion for education. His titles include "Bhagvad Geeta Gyan - The Universal Knowledge", "विज्ञान में से ज्ञान का सार", "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਮਾਰਗ - Through A Bilingual Switch" & " हमारी राष्ट्र भाषा - Through A Bilingual Switch".

He has also presented on YouTube: "Dharam Gyan by Dr Sharma UK", parts 1,2,3 &4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2L1oqDPoOUc,


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G96YnPpFEAo & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRVllPO71go).

Preface............................................ 7
सर्व शक्ति का सार...................................... 9
Philosophy ....................................... 10
फूल का सार .........................................11
ज्ञान संदेश ...........................................12
मेरी बेटी ............................................13
भारत देश हमारा ......................................14
होली के सात रंगों का सार ...............................15
रूप जीवन का ........................................16
तिरंगा रहने दो ........................................17
कविता से मुलाकात हो गयी ...............................18
नदी उवाचः ...........................................19
उजाला उवाचः .........................................19
रस्ता उवाचः ..........................................19
मन का सार ..........................................20
ऐसा कैसे हो जाता..................................... 21
शुभ प्रभात ...........................................22
परम बचन ...........................................23
आ धीए तुझे प्यार करूं .................................24
जीने के प्रमुख साधन ...................................25
मेरी होंद ....................................-.......26
श्रद्धा का सार ........................................27
प्यार में धोखा ........................................28
‘स्वराज’ लिखूंगा .....................................29
जीवन स्वरुप ........................................30
नारी का प्यार .......................................31
दीपावली ...........................................32
शिक्षा का महत्त्व ......................................33
श्लोक .............................................34
सत्य संग का सार .....................................35
सत्य बचन प्रमाण ......................................35
चिह्न का सार ......................................37 
सनातन शब्द का सार ...................................38
Ultimate concept of Truth..........................43 

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